Since Magic Pony's inception, we've been involved in a wide range of creative projects, often in collaboration with an international network of innovators, dynamic spaces, and like-minded creators. As lovers of all things printed, we created a publishing studio to showcase artists we love and share some of our most interesting exhibitions.

Our Publications:

8 Days No Contact Exhibition Catalogue

8 Days No Contact
Exhibition Catalogue

The Merlin Years - The art of Team Macho

The Merlin Years
The Art of Team Macho Vol.II

The Taxali 300 - Gary Taxali Exhibition Catalogue

The Taxali 300
Exhibition Catalogue

The Dazzle Exhibition Catalogue

The Dazzle: A Cabinet of Wonder
Exhibition catalogue

The Unknown Portraits by Kozyndan

The Unknown Portraits
A Book of Imagined Personae by Kozyndan

Fancy Action Now - The Art of Team Macho

Fancy Action Now
The Art of Team Macho

My Mania: teh Art of Derrick Hodgson

My Mania
The Art of Derrick Hodgson